We comply with the privacy policy stated here. Please read our privacy policy before using this site or submitting your personal information on this site. By using this site, you understand and agree to accept all policies and activities described in our privacy policy without exception. Policies or activities that apply may change with prior notice through this site. And changes only apply to future activities and information, not those that have occurred. This privacy policy only applies to our site, if you enter other sites we suggest that you read the different privacy policies on each site first.
Information Collection & Use
Personal information such as name, address, email voluntarily provided by site visitors is information collected by us. This information is only used for the purpose of developing services to you. You are not required to provide all of your personal data, but there is a possibility that if you do not provide your data completely and accurately, you may not be able to enjoy the facilities we provide on this site.
We also collect data obtained from cookies used by web servers uniquely and also statistical data to identify your habits when visiting our site so that we can improve our services to you. Site users have the right to deactivate their cookies at any time they visit. However, if you refuse or block or even delete cookies between site visits, you may not be able to use certain functions or features on our site.
Visit Us
Sales Gallery, Main Boulevard, Jl. Jakarta Garden City Main Boulevard, Jakarta